Lisa M Gieg, PhD
Associate Head, Undergraduates
In the Gieg laboratory, we aim to understand how microorganisms impact the energy industry either beneficially (e.g., bioremediation) or detrimentally (e.g., microbial corrosion of infrastructure). Using combined tools of cultivation, analytical chemistry, and molecular biology, we seek to:
Elucidate novel biodegradation pathways of different classes of hydrocarbons and related compounds under aerobic or under highly reduced conditions (e.g., sulfate-reducing and methanogenic conditions)
Understand the associated biochemical and enzymatic mechanisms
Identify key consortia and isolate species involved
Investigate the ecological constraints on the metabolism of hydrocarbons and related compounds
Research Interests
In determining the fundamental science underlying hydrocarbon biodegradation, we can begin to formulate universal themes of metabolism and apply what we learn to important environmental problems or energy-related systems such as:
Anaerobic bioremediation at fuel-contaminated sites
Enhanced energy recovery via the bioconversion of oil to methane in marginal oilfields (MEOR)
Microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC)
Paraffin biodegradation or prevention
Heavy oil formation and recovery via microbial activity
Enzyme biotechnology for improved energy recovery
Oil sands tailings ponds biotreatment and detoxification
Goff et. al. Draft genome sequence of Pseudomonas sp. ER28, a cyclohexane pentanoic acid degrader isolated from oil sands process-affected water from Alberta, Canada.
Scheffer et. al. 2021. Enzyme Biotechnology Development for Treating Polymers in Hydraulic Fracturing Operations. Microbial Biotechnology.
Rachel & Gieg, 2020. Preserving Microbial Community Integrity in Oilfield Produced Water. Frontiers in Microbiology 11: 2536.
Kharey et al. 2020. Combined Use of Diagnostic Fumarate Addition Metabolites and Genes Provides Evidence for Anaerobic Hydrocarbon Biodegradation in Contaminated Groundwater. Microorganisms 8: 1532.